Sunday, December 1, 2019

Jazmin Watkins Essays - Criminal Law, Law, Penology,

Jazmin Watkins Corrections Mrs.Schiria Wilson Chap. 3 Questions John Howard worked with members of the English House of Commons to draft the Penitentiary Act of 1779. This act created four requirements for English prisons and jails: (1) secure and sanitary structures, (2) systematic inspections (3) abolition of fees charged to inmates, and (4) a reformatory regime in which inmates were confined to solitary cells but worked in common rooms during the day. The act also detailed the requirements for diet, uniforms, and hygiene for prisoners. Individuals pending arraignment and awaiting trial, conviction, of sentencing, probation. Parole, and bail bond violators ad absconders, juveniles, pending transfer to juvenile authorities, mentally ill people, pending their movement to appropriate mental health facilities, and individuals held for the military, for protective custody, for contempt, and for courts as witnesses. Several small counties form coalitions to jointly fund, build, and operate a regional jail that serves all the counties and results in economies of scale that make its operation more financially reasonable. More than half of the inmates are incarcerated for drug offenses and 30 percent for property crimes. The length of stay for jail is fifteen to twenty days , much less than the average thirty-six month length of stay within prison. Police officers or county sheriff deputies bring arrested offenders to the jail, where they are identified and fingerprinted and their property is inventoried and stored. They receive a brief physical and mental screening and usually talk to a social worker about the process and how potential release on bail or personal recognizance works.\ There is often little information available for jail inmates. Jail social service staff interview inmates to collect information, but usually do not have time to confirm to accuracy of the information. Second the short stay complicates the process for most inmates, and there is no time for thorough medical or ps y chological assessments that could id in the classification process. Linear designs are designed with cells that are aligned in long, straight rows, with walkways in the front of the cells for jail correctional officers to walk intermittently to observe what is going on in the cells. Podular designs house smaller numbers of inmates, resulting in a better inmate-staff ratio. They provide common areas in the center of the unit (called day rooms) in which inmates can watch television or play table games during the day, thus getting out of their cells and reducing idleness tension. Direct supervision requires staff to continuously supervise and communicate with inmates, thus reducing tension and avoiding the development of conflicts among inmates and between inmates and staff. There are dozens of privately operated jails across the country, and privatization of jail construction or management is seen as a viable option for counties that need a new jail and do not have the funds available to build one. Jazmin Watkins Corrections Mrs.Schiria Wilson Chap. 4 Questions John Augustus was the nation's first probation officer. He bailed out more than 1,800 offenders. His records on the firs 1,100 offenders whom he bailed out revealed that only on forfeited bond. His work had a great impact on how many jurisdictions handled criminal offenders, and he became known as the father of probation. 57% To maintain surveillance, enforce conditions of probation, and guide offenders into treatment to protect the public from further crimes. Casework style supervision emphasizes helping the offender with problems, providing counseling, and ensuring that the offender completes supervision. Surveillance style supervision emphasizes monitoring and enforcing compliance with the rules or supervision and the detection of violations leading to revocation and return to custody. Standard conditions of probation are conditions that must be followed by every probationer. Special condition of probation are conditions of probation tailored to meet the needs for a particular offender ; they can be imposed to meet the specific risks or needs of an individual offender. The probationer shall not leave the judicial district without permission of the probation officer or the court. The probationer shall report to the probation officer as directed and shall submit truthful and complete reports. The probationer shall answer truthfully all inquires by the probation officer and follow his o her instructions. The probationer shall maintain

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