Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Political Philosphies of Liberalism - 726 Words
Liberalism If we want to speak about liberalism, we have to speak about how liberalism came into the nationals systems of many countries. Liberalism includes a lot of different political philosophies and people have fight for it or against it over time. Nowadays it is criticized but In 1689, John Locke published his book â€Å"Two Treatises on Governments†which established the natural right theory and two fundamental ideas on liberalism: the economic and the intellectual liberty. The natural right theory argued that â€Å"life, liberty and property†. It was the classical liberalism at that time and it was a new way to see human possibilities. â€Å"Classical liberalism is founded upon a notion of free rights for every person, including freedom of speech and freedom of religion.†This was also for free market economy, and only little intrusion on private property by the government. Classical liberalism rose in the 16th and 17th century. It is based on free trade to govern and ruled the interactions within the society. In the French Enlightenment, Voltaire and Rousseau were for the creation of a constitutional monarchy which could help to get a natural freedom. Rousseau spokes also about the social contracts within a country between the population and the government. In the Scottish Enlightenment, Hume and Smith agreed that â€Å"capital, not gold, is the wealth of nations†. Smith published in 1776 â€Å"The Wealth of Nations†which main subject, as we all hear a lot about, was the invisible handShow MoreRelatedJohn Locke: Second Treatise of Civil Government Essay1081 Words  | 5 PagesDescartes before him.John Locke became convinced that true knowledge cannot be attained in natural science, but only through concrete mathematics. This theory was later adopted by several other philosophers. Locke was the first theorist of the philosphy of liberalism, which says that the state exists to preserve the natural rights of its citizens.Lockes philosophical beliefs and theories are the basis of numerous other philosophers, and play an important role in the development of the American judicialRead MoreJean Jacques Rousseau And The Discourse On Inequality1546 Words  | 7 PagesOverview on Rousseau and the Discourse. Jean-Jacques Rousseau was born on June 28th, 1712 in Geneva, Switzerland and died on July 2nd, 1778 in Ermeonville, France. The Swiss born would later become one of the most well-known philosopher, writer and political theorist whose treaties and novels greatly inspired the leaders of the French Revolution and the Romantic period. Against popular belief, Rousseau was one – if not – the least academical modern philosophers but still remains in many was as one ofRead MoreEssay about Hegel and The Libertarians2958 Words  | 12 PagesHegel and The Libertarians ABSTRACT: This paper aims to show how the Hegelian philosophy can contribute to the conceptual discussions between the two strains of contemporary ethical-political philosophy. I argue that the Hegelian political theory is of central import to the discussion between communitarians and libertarians, both in the communitarian criticism of the libertarian  mainly in Michael Sandels criticism of Rawls  and in the Rawlsian project of a society founded in justice as equality
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Financial Ratio Analysis Performance Report Essay
1.0 Executive Summary This report provides an analysis and compare of the current profitability, efficiency and financial stability of Premier Investments Ltd and David Jones Ltd over last 2 years. Methods of analysis include trend, horizontal and vertical analyses as well as ratios such as Gross Net profit margin, Inventory turnover and Current ratios. All calculations can be found in the appendices. Results of data analysed show that David Jones Ltd have better performance and is more stability than Premier Investments Ltd. In particular, Premier Investments Ltd’s profit had dropped almos half than the year before.The report finds the prospects of both companies in their current position are pretty positive. The major areas of†¦show more content†¦Premier Investment’s Gross Profit Margin has increased slightly from 59.09% in 2010 to 59.51% in 2011. The increase is not huge, but the margin is pretty good, and it reflects that the company keeps the cost under control. On the other h and, the Gross Profit Margin for David Jones has decreased from 39.73% in 2010 to 39.11% in 2011. This decrease is not very huge, but the overall figure reflects not a very profitable condition. These margins are well below the profitability of Premier Investments. This means that David Jones has a relatively poor cost control. Net Profit Margin The Net Profit Margin is a more refined measure of profitability. Gross Margin reflects half of the costs, and does not include the effect of operating costs. However, net profit margin includes the operating costs, as well (Vance 2003). Premier Investments’ Net Profit Margin has decreased from 16.11% in 2010 to 9.54% in 2011. This is a significant decrease in profitability, since the net margin has decrease by over 5%. It reflects that the company is unable to control its operating expenses. David Jones Limited, on the other hand, had a net Profit Margin of 12.11% in 2010, which increased to 12.62% in 2011. The increase is not very huge, but the overall Net Profit Margin isShow MoreRelatedRatio Analysis : Analysis And Interpretation Of Financial Statements1490 Words  | 6 PagesRatio analysis is used to describe the important relationship that lies between figures based on line items in financial statements like the balance sheet, profit and loss account, and a budgetary control organization. Ratio analysis is a technique of analysis and interpretation of financial statements. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Patients Satisfactory Survey †HCAHPS Essay Sample free essay sample
Hospitalized Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems or HCAHPS. besides known as the CAHPS Hospital Survey was the really first national standardized reported study that takes into history the position of patients when it comes to hospital attention. Before. there was no standardised methodological analysis and standard footing for roll uping and every bit good as publically coverage of studies or information sing a patient’s experience in a certain infirmary although there had been many infirmaries who are roll uping such information on their ain. Therefore. although certain infirmaries are already carry oning such studies. there was no valid comparings that can be made that is acknowledge or set until HCAHPS that is. To hold a high evaluation in the HCAHPS study indicates that the infirmary is making good in the field of health care and in the eyes and points of position of its patients and therefore. it reflects how good a certain infirmary is making in supp lying health care to its patients. We will write a custom essay sample on Patients Satisfactory Survey – HCAHPS Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the other manus. a low evaluation indicates that there are some things that must be done by that peculiar establishment since their patients view they attempts and service as lacking and that betterments have to be made. THE GOAL BEHIND HCAHPS It was said that there were three major grounds behind the development and execution of HCAHPS. First is that. HCAHPS was intended to garner informations sing the position attention of patients. Thus. leting meaningful and at the same clip nonsubjective comparings of infirmaries sing the affair. Second. HCAHPS was besides intended to advance and better the quality of wellness attention in the state. This consequence can be brought through the public coverage of the said study and therefore. leting infirmaries to better their manner of taking attention of their patients. Third. it besides aims to do the populace accountable in wellness attention through the transparence that will be shown by the study sing the quality of infirmary attention in the state. With these ends at manus. stairss was taken in order to guarantee that the said study will be believable plenty and every bit good as utile and practical in order to achieve these ends and to better health care service in the state. HCAHPS ORIGIN AND HISTORY HCAHPS was made possible through the confederation of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or CMS and another bureau in the field known as the Agency for Healthcare and Quality or AHRO in the beginning of the twelvemonth 2002. The execution of the study in assorted infirmaries was sponsored by an confederation of both public and private organisations from assorted major infirmaries and medical associations. the authorities. consumer goods. measuring and recognizing organic structures and other groups and organisations that are besides interested in developing the quality of health care in the state besides known as the Hospital Quality Alliance or HQA. The National Quality Forum or NQF which is a representation of many consumers and health care suppliers and every bit good as professionals and other organisations in the field besides endorsed the HCAHPS in May 2005 and in December 2005. the concluding blessing sing the national execution of HCAHPS for the intent of public c overage was given by the Office of Management and Budget or OMB. The consequences and informations gather in the HCAHPS are in the public sphere together with the methodological analysis of the said study. CONTENT AND PROCEDURES In order to guarantee that the consequences of the study can be trusted non merely by the public and private sectors in the field but every bit good as patients who are the most of import ground for the execution of the study. several inquiries was made to truly help the penchant of the patients when it comes to healthcare. As a consequence. the HCAHPS study was composed of 27 inquiries that relate the patient’s health care experience in a peculiar infirmary of health care supplier. From these 27 inquiries. 18 are straight related with the patient’s experience in the said infirmaries such as reactivity of the staffs to the patient’s needs. hurting direction. communicating with the module and member of the infirmaries such as nurses and physicians. cleanliness of the environment. discharge information and every bit good as the patient’s overall evaluation of the infirmary and the recommendation. Besides. 2 of the inquiries are intended to back up congressio nally-mandated studies. 3 to set for state of affairss wherein there are mix of patients in the said infirmary and 4 inquiries to direct the inquiries and demands of the patients. These inquiries had been well-thought to truly assess the position of patients when it comes to the service that they achieve and every bit good as penchants in health care. The continuance for the HCAHPS study is from 48 hours or 2 yearss up to 6 hebdomads after the discharge of the patient from the infirmary otherwise. the outpatient will non be able to take part in the said study. When carry oning the HCAPHS study. take parting infirmaries have the pick to either roll up their ain HCAHPS information provided that it was approved by the CMS or to utilize the sanctioned study seller. There are besides different manners in which the HCAHPS study can be implemented in order to suit infirmaries in the signifier of mail. telephone. followup through mail with telephone or through active synergistic voice acknowledgment or the IVR. Hospitals that are take parting in the study besides have the pick to either utilize their ain patient satisfactory study or the HCAHPS itself in incorporating the HCAHPS study. Besides. CMS takes into history the factors that affect the patient’s replies sing the study that may non be straight related to the hospital’s public presentation by seting for these factors in order to guarantee that study tonss will be just and accurate comparings between infirmaries can be made as good. Adjustments had been made by the CMS in order to extinguish certain advantages and disadvantages on the portion of the infirmaries involved that may be due to the method used in carry oning the study. Data aggregation is besides an of import facet therefore ; CMS besides undertakes activities that include review of processs. informations analysis. and every bit good as site visit of self-administering infirmaries and study sellers approved by the CMS. NATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION OF PUBLIC REPORTING It was on October 2006 that HCAHPS information was collected by the CMS for the public coverage and the consequences was ab initio reported in March 200 utilizing the informations gathered from patients that were discharged in the infirmaries from October 2006 to June of the undermentioned twelvemonth. Afterwards. consequences of the study will be published in a quarterly mode that constitute 4 quarters recent of informations gather from the study and the consequences of hospital’s HCAHPS are besides posted on the site of the Hospital Compare. PUBLICLY REPORTED MEASURES There are 10 reported steps sing the HCAHPS consequence when it comes to the comparing of the consequences from different infirmaries of which. 2 are single points. 6 are sum-ups and 2 are planetary evaluations. The six drumhead steps include the public presentation and relationship of the hospital staffs such as physicians. nurses and other member of the infirmary and evaluates how good these forces are able to pass on. interact and supply with the patient’s needs. This may besides include the appraisal on whether pertinent information was given when the patient was discharged from that peculiar infirmary. The cleanliness and every bit good soundlessness of the patient’s room was addressed in the 2 single steps while the overall evaluation of the infirmary every bit good as if the patient would urge the infirmary to others was addressed in the 2 planetary evaluations. THE Question After all the attempt. clip and resources that hade been spent in carry oning the study and publically describing the consequences. the inquiry whether HCAHPS was a success or non still remains. Does it serves its intent and was truly able to assist in bettering the quality of health care in the state? This inquiry remains and merely those in the health care establishments themselves will be able to state if these consequences truly do assist in order for their establishment to develop their service to their patients. In order to asses the effectivity of the HCAHPS study ; allow us analyze the public presentation of a certain infirmary. both before and after take parting in the study. The New York Community Hospital was founded on 1929 located in Madison Park subdivision of Brooklyn. This infirmary took portion in the HCAHPS study and fundamentally had a low evaluation in the said study. After seeing the consequence of the study. the New York Community Hospital has embarked on an aggressive run in order to better its costumier service. Thus. several actions were made by the direction that besides includes departmental unvarying colour cryptography in which every force of every section are mandated to have on specific colour in order to be known and recognized by the patients. In the said cryptography. members of the nursing section are required to have on all white gowns. blue for the radiology section and viridity for the respiratory section. The purpose of this action is to be able to separate every person from every section like nurses with MD or clerk with radiology and so on and besides for the patients to be able acknowledge anyone from the infirmary that pr ovides good or even bad service. Another action taken by the infirmary was a infirmary broad instruction meeting for eight yearss during all displacements by the CEO. Lin Mo. The purpose of the said instruction meeting was to foreground the importance of the HCAHPS study for the future endurance of the infirmary and therefore. actuating the staffs to go on and better the service given to the patients. If the infirmary is non able to better their evaluation in the following HCAHPS study. they are certain to lose more and more patients that may besides jeopardize the infirmary as a whole. Therefore. by opening this affair to the staffs of the infirmary through the said meeting. it is likely that the staffs will be motivated in functioning their patients better. The 3rd action as portion of the infirmaries aim to better the services given to the patients. that will finally give manner to achieve higher evaluation in the HCAHPS study. was posting marks. media show at the mark in clock and around the infirmary reminding the staffs of their on traveling demand to supply first-class service to their patients and to be polite and gracious at all clip. Another action taken by the infirmary in order to develop their service to their patients was to acknowledge employees in each section who has shown mark of great client service. These employees will be awarded with either gold Ag or bronze decorations. By making so. the staffs will be decently motivated and therefore. ensuing in a good costumier service that will raise the unity and name of the infirmary. CONCLUSSION By looking at the action that were taken by the New York Community Hospital. it can be said that all the attempts. clip and resources used in doing the HCAHPS study possible were non in vain. It does function its intent and is truly able to better the health care in the state. For any infirmary. because of the public coverage of the study. a good evaluation will be a motive to farther better their client service and in order to protect the name of the infirmary and study consequence itself. On the other manus. holding a low evaluation in the HCAHPS study will besides be able to actuate the infirmary disposal and staffs to besides better their service in order to elate the name of the infirmary and to protect its involvement merely every bit in the instance of the New York Community Hospital. Therefore. it can be concluded that the HCAHPS study truly is a large aid in bettering the quality of wellness attention in the state. Mentions CMS. ( No Date ) . HCAHPS: patient’s positions of attention study. Retrieved May 01. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. centimeter. Department of Health and Human Services. gov/hospitalqualityinits/30_hospitalhcahps. asp Choice Net. ( No Date ) . CAPHS infirmary study ( HCAPHS ) infirmary consumer appraisal suppliers and systems. Retrieved May 01. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. qualitynet. org/dcs/ContentServer? cid=1140537251096 A ; pagename=QnetPublic % 2FPage % 2FQnetTier2 A ; c=Page hcahpsonline. org. ( 2008 ) Centers for Medicare A ; Medicaid Services. Baltimore. MD. Retrieved May 01. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. hcahpsonline. org Mo. L. ( No Date ) . Welcome to NYCH. Retrieved May 01. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. nych. com/content. asp? id=13 Professional Research Consultants. Inc. ( No Date ) . History. Retrieved May 01. 2008 from hypertext transfer protocol: //www. prconline. com/government/hospitals/history/index. asp
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Jazmin Watkins Essays - Criminal Law, Law, Penology,
Jazmin Watkins Corrections Mrs.Schiria Wilson Chap. 3 Questions John Howard worked with members of the English House of Commons to draft the Penitentiary Act of 1779. This act created four requirements for English prisons and jails: (1) secure and sanitary structures, (2) systematic inspections (3) abolition of fees charged to inmates, and (4) a reformatory regime in which inmates were confined to solitary cells but worked in common rooms during the day. The act also detailed the requirements for diet, uniforms, and hygiene for prisoners. Individuals pending arraignment and awaiting trial, conviction, of sentencing, probation. Parole, and bail bond violators ad absconders, juveniles, pending transfer to juvenile authorities, mentally ill people, pending their movement to appropriate mental health facilities, and individuals held for the military, for protective custody, for contempt, and for courts as witnesses. Several small counties form coalitions to jointly fund, build, and operate a regional jail that serves all the counties and results in economies of scale that make its operation more financially reasonable. More than half of the inmates are incarcerated for drug offenses and 30 percent for property crimes. The length of stay for jail is fifteen to twenty days , much less than the average thirty-six month length of stay within prison. Police officers or county sheriff deputies bring arrested offenders to the jail, where they are identified and fingerprinted and their property is inventoried and stored. They receive a brief physical and mental screening and usually talk to a social worker about the process and how potential release on bail or personal recognizance works.\ There is often little information available for jail inmates. Jail social service staff interview inmates to collect information, but usually do not have time to confirm to accuracy of the information. Second the short stay complicates the process for most inmates, and there is no time for thorough medical or ps y chological assessments that could id in the classification process. Linear designs are designed with cells that are aligned in long, straight rows, with walkways in the front of the cells for jail correctional officers to walk intermittently to observe what is going on in the cells. Podular designs house smaller numbers of inmates, resulting in a better inmate-staff ratio. They provide common areas in the center of the unit (called day rooms) in which inmates can watch television or play table games during the day, thus getting out of their cells and reducing idleness tension. Direct supervision requires staff to continuously supervise and communicate with inmates, thus reducing tension and avoiding the development of conflicts among inmates and between inmates and staff. There are dozens of privately operated jails across the country, and privatization of jail construction or management is seen as a viable option for counties that need a new jail and do not have the funds available to build one. Jazmin Watkins Corrections Mrs.Schiria Wilson Chap. 4 Questions John Augustus was the nation's first probation officer. He bailed out more than 1,800 offenders. His records on the firs 1,100 offenders whom he bailed out revealed that only on forfeited bond. His work had a great impact on how many jurisdictions handled criminal offenders, and he became known as the father of probation. 57% To maintain surveillance, enforce conditions of probation, and guide offenders into treatment to protect the public from further crimes. Casework style supervision emphasizes helping the offender with problems, providing counseling, and ensuring that the offender completes supervision. Surveillance style supervision emphasizes monitoring and enforcing compliance with the rules or supervision and the detection of violations leading to revocation and return to custody. Standard conditions of probation are conditions that must be followed by every probationer. Special condition of probation are conditions of probation tailored to meet the needs for a particular offender ; they can be imposed to meet the specific risks or needs of an individual offender. The probationer shall not leave the judicial district without permission of the probation officer or the court. The probationer shall report to the probation officer as directed and shall submit truthful and complete reports. The probationer shall answer truthfully all inquires by the probation officer and follow his o her instructions. The probationer shall maintain
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