Sunday, May 24, 2020
Management Failure Leads For Business Failure - 826 Words
Management failure leads to business failure. It is very difficult to succeed in this dynamic competitive world. Due to globalization, the competition has immensely increased. This has made the business perpetual existence and success questionable. Nowadays, business has to compete with larger number of competitors than they used to before. There are different reasons behind businesses failure. Few of the major issues that business might face hindering their perpetual existence and performance are as follows: †¢ Management failure †¢ Financial issues †¢ Intense competition †¢ Mismanagement inventory †¢ Loss of markets and decline on sales If management is inadequate to handle the business and gain competitive advantage, the catastrophe of losing investment, time and customer will not be far ahead. This paper discusses two businesses (Gurkha Development Bank (Nepal) Limited and BlackBerry) which failed due to lack of management. This paper also includes viable recommendation for overcoming the situation. The first company which was to manage their internal affairs and faced bankruptcy is Gurkha Development Bank (Nepal) Limited. The bank is overseen by some of the experts of banking industry of Nepal. The vision of the bank is to provide banking facility to general public valuing morality and ethnicity. This bank uses some of the advance banking techniques and tools which are available in Nepal for the benefit of its customers. The bank has already shut down seven of itsShow MoreRelatedThe Factors That Affect Business1644 Words  | 7 Pagesprovide new literature for the undertaking study. Scope of this study will as sist several business operators to recognize the factors that affect their business and allow them to be a part of the study and providing basic information. In current time period new entrepreneur are not much aware about the business external environment and also not know how to design business strategies by considering all business environmental dimensions. It is also clear that most of the employee those are working atRead MoreEssay on General Motors Management Failure801 Words  | 4 PagesGeneral Motors (GM) has a number of reasons for the failure of the company. The main issue that was the most efficient problem was the management inability to foresee and take dynamic action to change. Organizations change in better interest of the customers. Management has to be proactive when deciding on what changes requires active action. Failure to adapt to a positive change will lead the organization to an unsuccessful path. Therefore, if organizational performance changes negative ly, theRead MoreFailures Of The Project Management System1456 Words  | 6 PagesIn reviewing a number of websites trying to garner support of IT Project Management, a rather clear picture has been presented. A staggering number of organizations do not properly employ IT project management, and, as a result, their projects tend to fail. On the opposite end of the spectrum, successful organizations utilize an IT project management system and their projects enjoy a much higher success rate. Based off of the findings, one can conclude that in most organizations the track recordRead MoreIncrease in the Significant Role in Compliance in Financial Service Firms727 Words  | 3 Pagescontinued to pay attention on improved requirement of capital and liquidity as well as risk management and corporate governance in the financial intermediary. Additionally, policy makers also have focused on issues associated with stakeholders of the financial service firms and public interest such as consumer protection, insider trading, LIBOR manipulation and money laundering. An effective compliance, risk management and internal audit are major mechanisms to create strong corporate governance (The CharteredRead MoreThe Case Of Canada s Gun Registration System1117 Words  | 5 PagesThere are numerous elements of project management that need to be executed correctly in order to successfully complete a project. In the case of Canada’s gun registration system the project failed du e to inadequate management of the project scope, the planning of the process, and risk management. Managing of the Project Scope The scope of the Canadian registry system was not clearly managed and these poor scope management practices precipitated project failure. According to a report â€Å"When Canada’sRead MoreReasons For Software Project Failure Essay1131 Words  | 5 Pagesevery specific project before starting the actual project and focus on these constraints throughout the project life cycle. This essay will examine main reasons for software project failure and study J Sansbury’s software project failure case as an example. 2 What is software project failure? Definition of projects failure or success might vary according to every specific project. Software project and any other project is usually considered to be failed if it exceeds budget limits, fall behind the plannedRead MoreBusiness Failure of Worldcom in the Light of Organizational Behavior Theories1313 Words  | 5 PagesHead: Examining Business Failures Business Failure of WorldCom in the Light of Organizational Behavior Theories Abstract Business failures occur usually due to lack of organizational leadership and unethical practices prevalent within an organization. Managers and leaders tend to be a lighthouse for any organization and if they adopt unethical ways, then the entire organization suffer from extreme loss and disgrace. WorldComs bankruptcy scandal is a big example of business failure which was linkedRead MoreBusiness Failure Paper1045 Words  | 5 PagesRUNNING HEAD: Enron’s Failure Enron’s Failure Stacey A. Weinert University of Phoenix Abstract This paper will discuss the business failure of one of the largest energy companies in the world, Enron Corporation. I will discuss the leadership, management, and organizational structure of the company and how this failure could have been prevented. Company Overview Enron Corporation was an American energy company in downtown Houston, Texas. Enron employed more than 22,000 workers andRead MoreInformation Management : An Organization1174 Words  | 5 Pages621- Assignment 1 By Varsha Fotedar Information Management refers to management of principles to the procurement, organization, control, dissemination and use of data pertinent to the compelling operation of organizations of numerous sorts. Information refers to a wide range of data of value, including data resources, such as generation data; records and files related, statistical market research data. Information management manages with the value, quality, possession, use and securityRead MoreErp at Hp1504 Words  | 7 PagesGUPTA Enrollment No. 6010091106380 ERP IMPLEMENTATION FAILURE AT HP (ITYS045) a. Analyze the limitation of IT project management. Discuss the importance of business contingency plans for enterprise projects. Justify your answer taking the example of HP b. Examine the implementation of the ERP migration failure considering HP’s role as a third party implementer of SAP’s supply chain solutions. Can HP use this ERP implementation failure to its strategic advantage? Why / why not? Give reason
Monday, May 18, 2020
Aid Into Latin America And Asia Essay - 1685 Words
had started to extend its aid into Latin America and Asia. Eleanor Roosevelt, the U.S. delegate to the UN argued that UNICEF was a temporary group to help children after war and not that it’s over the work should be delegated to other permanent UN organizations. (Explained in more detail) Pakistan’s delegate to the UN, Ahmed Shah Bokhari, argued against Roosevelt in saying that the images of European children after the war are the realities of children living in other regions every day. In 1950, it was agreed that UNICEF’s charter would be renewed for another 3 years, and then in 1953, Roosevelt argued to make the organization permanent. It then decided to drop the words ‘international’ and ‘emergency’ from its name, so its title then became the United Nations Children s Fund yet keeping its full acronym as UNICEF. In the 1950s, UNICEF spiraled into a set of mass campaigns of epidemic diseases such as tuberculosis, yaws, trachoma, leprosy and malaria; this decade was knows as the â€Å"Era of Mass Disease Campaign†. UNICEF worked to complement and help the World Health Organization, WHO. They worked with each disease independently depending on the incredibly high amount of cases of each illness in each region. With the help of immense advancements with technology and medicine within the last century, UNICEF was able to effectively treat thousands - even millions- of cases within each region. They’re campaigns were successful in decreasing the rates of infection and malnutritionShow MoreRelatedEssay about European Imperialism896 Words  | 4 Pagesand Glory. The Europeans domination over Latin America, Africa and Asia were made out to be good for the native people of these lands. However, the Europeans were not there to help these geographic areas. They were there to spread the ir influence and gain riches for themselves and the European nations. The successes and failures of the Europeans and non Europeans would decide their relationship status for as long as they could co-exist. In Latin America, Cortes who was the conqueror of Mexico, andRead MoreHiv / Aids : The Most Critical Epidemic914 Words  | 4 PagesWhen it comes to HIV/AIDS, it is still today regarded as the most critical epidemic that affects a significant number of people in the world’s population. HIV statistics for the end of 2013 indicate that around 35 million people are currently living with HIV worldwide, 38 percent less than in 2001. In the same year, around 2.1 million people became infected with HIV and 1.5 million died of AIDS-related illnesses. HIV and AIDS are found in all parts of the world, however some areas are more affectedRead MoreWb, Idb And The International Development Association1279 Words  | 6 Pagesknowledge base to help developing countries generate opportunities, enhance growth and create individual opportunity. The Bank has six regional vice presidencies: Sub-Saharan Africa, East Asia and Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, the Middle East and North Africa, South Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. Latin America and the Caribbean is responsible for 20% of Bank lending and for more than one third or 32% of all IBRD lending over the past decade. World Bank President Robert Zoellick (2015), inRead MoreTo What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success?1743 Words  | 7 Pagesbetween 1990 and 2004. However, the results are not consistent throughout the world. For instance, the sub-Saharan Africa has not been able to meet any of the set targets. On the contrary, there has been a significant economic growth in some parts of Asia, especially, the Eastern part. The following is a summary of the progress that has been made so far based on the 2007 Millennium Goals Report. Extreme Poverty The percentage of people living in extreme poverty fell to 19% in 2004 from nearly a thirdRead MoreStrategic Importance Of Latin America In Cold War And Beyond.1572 Words  | 7 Pages Strategic Importance of Latin America in Cold War and Beyond Background and Introduction The 20th century appears to be most destructive and productive in the history. From revolutions to wars, from colonization’s to independent states, from industrial revolution to Information technology revelation. This century had a lot to offer for historians. This century started with the different revolutions in countries to over throw monarch system, including China, turkey, Russia, and in England which colonizeRead MoreThe Middle East And Africa Essay807 Words  | 4 Pageshighest gains with respect to international revenue from projects in Central and Southern Africa growing by 14.7% in 2014 (ENR 2015). However, many major international contractors worry that the presence of substantial amounts of Chinese financial aid, and large numbers of Chinese contractors in Africa makes it a potentially tough and difficult market to compete in. Most countries in the oil-producing Middle East region have already rolled out massive social and infrastructure projects. There isRead MoreThe Impact of the Cold War on Developing Nations Essay1175 Words  | 5 Pagesmade their political and socio-economic stand regarding the form of governance and leadership pursued. Underdeveloped nations in Asia, Latin America and Africa were still vulnerable and easily influenced in terms of ideologies and political direction. Most nations in Latin America like Chile were recovering from colonialism and thus logistic, economic and political aid from powerful nations to propel their economies which made it easy for Americans and Russians to act as their â€Å"saviors’†. The questRead MoreThe Global Presence Of The And Krispy Kreme Doughnuts1498 Words  | 6 Pages America the land of Google, PepsiCo, and Krispy Kreme Doughnuts is an international superpower that not only is politically important, but also contributes a multit ude of American Headquartered products all around the globe. There is not a person in an industrialized nation who has not, on one occasion or another, crossed paths with a McDonalds on a city street. It is hard to imagine a life where this is not the case, after all from the duration of most US citizen’s existence multinational corporationsRead MoreFighting Drug Cartels On The Americas712 Words  | 3 Pages Committee: UNODC Country: Nigeria Topic: Fighting Drug Cartels in the Americas Delegate: Angel Rivera Fighting Drug Cartels in the Americas Background Drug cartels have arisen as a major crisis for the future in the Americas. Individuals indulge themselves on drugs for many reasons such as tradition, attempting to escape poverty, and generating revenue for rebellious activities. Drug trafficking has proven to be ludacris, with the increasing involvement of corrupt government officials in theirRead MoreContainment Strategies During The Cold War1084 Words  | 5 Pages that started in the late 1940’s and was created to stop the spread of communism by providing economic aid, and military aid to countries opposing the Soviets.  All three cold war presidents had similarities and differences in the way they dealt with stopping the spread of communism.  All of them used the idea of containment, but Truman focused more on economic aid, Eisenhower used military aid, and Kennedy used both ideas and made Flexible Response. The first president to deal with the spread of
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Internet Spam Email And The Form Of An Attachment Essay
copies. Most common in spam emails in the form of an attachment. Prime user of social engineering to trick users into opening the attachment. CRYPDEF short abbreviation for CryptoDefense. Unique version of ransomware that demands the users to pay the money that is being requested to be paid using bitcoin currency. CRYPTCOIN demands users to pay in bitcoin in order for the files to be decrypted. One free test is offered to the users in order to decrypt their files. CRYPTFILE utilizes public key RSA encryption and demands 1 bitcoin to obtain the private key in order to decrypt the files. CRYPWALL sent through email and is contained within spam attachments. This ransomware also comes equipped with multiple versions of spyware attached to it. This type also follows an updated ransom note. CRYPTROLF displays a troll face post encryption of your files. CRYPTTOR changes the wallpapers on desktops to illustrations of walls and then prompts the user to pay the ransom in order to pay the amount that the user is asking for. CRYPTOR is a batch file type ransomware that possesses the capabilities of encrypting user files using an application known as Privacy Guard. DOWNCRYPT comes to the user via spam email that creates decoy documents to persuade the user that none of their documents have been stolen or tampered with. VIRLOCK tampers with document files, user archives, batch files and media files such as images and photos. PGPCODER first ransomware discovered back in 2005.Show MoreRelatedThe Current Problems And Issues Regarding Email Security1487 Words  | 6 Pagesregarding email security. It will specify about the increasing impacts and issues that is happening in todays world, mainly business and organizations are affected and have to suffer the aftermaths of this uprising issues. The evolution of email is discussed later on to shows how email became popular and how it influences the present world .Email flow is then discussed to specify a brief information of how the mechanism of email works and how the operations are executed .The importance of Email clientsRead MoreLab Investigation : Email And Internet Artifacts Essay1186 Words  | 5 PagesLab Investigation: Email and Internet Artifacts This week’s lab is a continuation of the Blacksuit Case Investigation using the EnCase software. The goal is to use knowledge gained from EnCase Tutorials and explore the emails sent and received by Jane, as well as identify her Internet browsing activities in an effort to identify any potential issues. The specific questions about the email that must be answered are: Who has Jane been communicating with via email? Are email senders, or recipientsRead MoreAdware versus Spyware Essay1664 Words  | 7 Pagesrecord straight with a brief description of what each one is. Adware Any software application that has the ability to display advertisements on your computer. Some adware may track your Web surfing habits. These advertisements may be displayed in many forms, including, but not limited to, pop-up, pop-under, and banner advertisements. Adware may slow your Web browsers performance. Worst case scenario: Some adware may have the ability to download third party software programs on your computer without yourRead MoreCyber Attacks And Its Impacts On The Confidentiality, Integrity, And Availability Of A Network1296 Words  | 6 Pagesmalware. The primary categories are derived on the basis of propagation and payloads, where propagation contains types such as infected content, for example, viruses; vulnerability exploits, for example, worms; and social engineering, for example, spam e-mails and Trojans. On the other hand, the payload contains types such as system corruption; attack agent, for example, zombie and botnets; information theft, for examp le, key-loggers, phishing, and spyware; and stealthing, for example, backdoorsRead MoreCyber Crime Is Dangerous And Should Be Looked At Closer By Individuals1051 Words  | 5 Pagesmake theft, fraud, and harassment easier and harder to resolve. Crimes committed through a computer are referred to as cyber-crimes and there are six common computer crimes to look out for, which is fraud, computer trespassing, hardware hijacking, spam, information warfare, and the most common bullying, stalking, and harassment. Fraud is one of the fastest types of crime out there. It is where criminals hack into personal accounts to access funds or website databases in order to get to consumerRead MoreExplain how organisations respond to IT development1336 Words  | 6 Pagespurchase online (can only work if they register with their email address before they make the payment), and the supplier sends a personalised email to you, telling customers that they have the opportunity to knock some figures off their online purchase. They also put a timeline on when the offer ends to encourage buyers to buy quickly. Sales and marketing strategies for global opportunities Marketing organisations products over the internet is one of the most cost-effective ways to get people toRead MoreVulnerabilities Are Known As Security Holes That Exist788 Words  | 4 Pagesworm, that is launched onto the Internet, and that replicates itself to as many systems as possible, as quickly as possible. Attacks may come from outside of a company, or a company insider may carry them out. Viruses- Viruses are mainly carried within e-mail messages, although they are expected to become a security problem for instant messaging traffic as well. Users unknowingly cause the virus to execute as a program on their system when they click on an attachment that runs the virus program. VirusRead MoreVast Security Threats to Personal Computers Essay831 Words  | 4 Pagesyour system. Connecting a personal computer to the internet enables others to use your computer and share your information. All who use the internet should take steps to protect their computer, as well as their private and financial information from possibly being compromised. There are computer hackers who have the knowledge and ability to access others computers. These attacks can be executed to break into your computer through the internet and steal your personal information. Security threatsRead MoreA Research Project On Risk Assessment And Vulnerability1230 Words  | 5 Pagescybersecurity as well as cyberspace. Among all of the various cyber-attacks that exist in our world today, Ransomware has taken a front seat when discussing the different types of threats that create the potential to harm us users on a day to day basis. This form of threat is something that has been plaguing users for years and has caused financial manipulation for hospitals, businesses, and private citizens as well. This research project will discuss the threats that have been present in the past 5-10 yearsRead MoreHow A Network Can Be Attacked2312 Words  | 10 Pagesand affect the operation of the computer. A computer virus is similar to a human virus. A virus is a software program that is able to corrupt and delete data from the computer. The virus can be transferred from one pc to another through an email as an attachment. Trojans A Trojan horse is a program or utility that looks as though it would be useful and safe to use but actually it is carrying out tasks which give others access to your computer. Trojans are usually found built in to another program
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Case Study Bass Pro Shops Essay - 726 Words
Case Study: Bass Pro Shops Bass Pro Shops is a privately held sporting goods and outdoor goods store headquartered in Springfield, Missouri. In addition to the Outdoor World store, Bass Pro Shops has over 15 large retail stores in the U.S. It also owns and operates subsidiaries such as Tracker Boats, Big Cedar Lodge, and Redhead. Bass Pro Shops is known for a large selection of hunting, fishing, and other outdoor gear. History Founded by John Morris in 1972, Bass Pro Shops was born out of a fishing tackle business that sold homemade bait and worms, located in the back of a Brown Derby liquor store. Bass Pro Shops mailed its first catalog in 1974. It soon became the worlds largest mail order sporting goods store. In 1984,†¦show more content†¦include R.E.I., Cabelas, Eastern Mountain Sports, Gander Mountain, L.L. Bean, Sierra Trading Post, Sport Chalet, Archery USA, Back Country Outfitters, and Sportsmans Warehouse, as well as national sporting goods retailers such as Academy Sports Outdoors, Sports Authority, Big 5 Sporting Goods, and Dicks Sporting Goods, and a host of other local independent retailers. Competition Strengths: • Archery USA and Back Country Outfitters sell highly specialized items that Bass Pro Shops does not. • Many people prefer the smaller stores, not wanting to deal with the vastness of Bass Pro Shops. • R.E.I. challenges Bass Pro with its in-store hands on equipment testing. • Cabelas family-owned catalog company provides direct competition to Bass Pro Shops because of the amount of their catalog sales (estimated to be about the same as Bass Pros $1.25B). • L.L. Bean offers excellent customer service and high end goods that beat the Bass Pro Shop lines. Problem Statement Bass Pro Shops should slow down on expansion which is resultingShow MoreRelatedTraining and Development Program for Bass Pro Shops Top Managers2221 Words  | 9 Pagesprogram for Bass Pro Shops Top Managers Training and Development Final paper Bass Pro Shop Company Overview Bass Pro Shop (Outdoor World) is a private retailer known of selling hunting, fishing and camping gear related to all outdoor and recreational activities that started in Missouri in 1972. By 1974, Bass Pro Shops became very popular and its first catalog first was mailed out. Soon, it became the worlds largest mail order sporting goods store. Around 1995, Bass Pro Shops SportsmansRead MoreAn Analysis of Marketing Strategy at Bass Pro Shops3064 Words  | 12 PagesAn Analysis of Marketing Strategy at Bass Pro Shops Introduction Today, Bass Pro Shops is a multi-billion dollar enterprise that specializes in sporting and hunting equipment. The companys current position is a far cry from its modest beginnings in 1971 when the companys founder, Johnny Morris began selling fishing lures on just two shelves in his fathers liquor store. With fifty-two retail outlets as well as a number of Outdoor World superstores in the United States and Canada, a user-friendlyRead MoreTheories Of Leadership And Leadership Theories1234 Words  | 5 PagesIn today’s world, leaders are not defined by age, race or gender. They can be a high school basketball coach, the shift supervisor at the local coffee shop, or even the President of the United States of America. In as many ways that leaders can vary by appearance and responsibility, there is also a variance in the ways that they lead. This case study aims to compare three of the more popular theories of leadership. These leadership theories are situational leadership, t rait theory and transformationalRead MoreThe U.S. National Whitewater Center: Strategic Issues and Problems1356 Words  | 6 PagesCase Study #3 – U.S. National Whitewater Center Strategic Issues and Problems U.S. National Whitewater Center in Charlotte, North Carolina has fallen short of revenue expectations the first two years of operation. The center has not generated the attendance they predicted and the attendance even dropped during the second year of operations, which resulted in the short fall of revenue. The Center has also received some negative publicity due to road access issues, implementation of the new parkingRead MoreYou Are At Work?3802 Words  | 16 Pages New York, and Wisconsin. Capital Punishment by the United States Federal Government explains capital crimes as espionage, treason, large-scale drug trafficking, federal murder, and attempting to kill a witness, juror, or court officer in certain cases. There are currently 41 crimes that are classified as capital crimes. Some other current crimes punishable by capital punishment are genocide, first-degree murder, murder during kidnapping, murder for hire, and death resulting from aircraft hijackingRead MoreClassic Knitwear Essay1902 Words  | 8 PagesThe final step in entry strategy is to sell through thvaryinge distribution channels. Since the product is specialized, but not high-end in terms of prices, it is acceptable for the product to be sold in specialty outdoor retailers such as REI, Bass Pro Shops, and Cabelas’, along with general sporting goods stores and discount retailers. The product is targeting people of a variety of outdoors interest levels.; Ttherefore, the new product linesit m ust be sold through channels that will reach the broadestRead MoreMarks and Spencer: Training Function in Human Resource Management3394 Words  | 14 Pagesthe culture of an organisation. It is important to state that this paper will not elaborate on the shift from training to learning but will look at the training as a function of Human Resource Management and Marks and Spencer will be used as a case study. 2.1 Importance of Training Despite the challenges posed by the financial downturn, majority of the firms have maintained a steady budget for training and development (CIPD, 2009). This is because businesses require flexibility and the abilityRead MoreEducation Has Always Been Expressed By Parents2251 Words  | 10 Pagesused to tell me how much she love school but had to sneak her studies because her mom would reprimand her if she were caught. Her mom had insisted that it was best to leave education to the boys and that it was best for girls to learn the skills early on to be most suited and qualified for marriage. Distraught at the future of being a housewife, my mom went around seeking and begging relatives who could defend her to continue her studies. Eventually, her uncle agreed and my mom became one of the topRead MoreMarketing and Starbucks5336 Words  | 22 PagesUniversiti Utara Malaysia BPMN3023 STRATEGY MANAGEMENT GROUP I Lecturer’s Name: Mdm. Chong Yen Wan Case 7: Starbucks Coffee Company; The Indian Dilemma GROUP’S MEMBER | Yap Ai Seok 127746 | Wong Qian Ying 127806 | Yeong Sook Cien 128090 | Chang Choo Woon 128176 | Tiu Siew Mei 128207 | Tables of Content Read MoreMarketing and Starbucks5336 Words  | 22 PagesUniversiti Utara Malaysia BPMN3023 STRATEGY MANAGEMENT GROUP I Lecturer’s Name: Mdm. Chong Yen Wan Case 7: Starbucks Coffee Company; The Indian Dilemma GROUP’S MEMBER | Yap Ai Seok 127746 | Wong Qian Ying 127806 | Yeong Sook Cien 128090 | Chang Choo Woon 128176 | Tiu Siew Mei 128207 | Tables of Content
Andrew Grove Free Essays
Intel Corporation is one of the world leaders in terms of microchip and microprocessor production. They embark on a mission of staying in the top and even formulated a strategy on exploring other forms of markets like that of digital health and wireless applications. They have also been known to forge tie-ups with leaders of the prospective markets they are exploring. We will write a custom essay sample on Andrew Grove or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have tied up with search engine Google for the wireless application as an example. Basically, Intel operations are divided into two sections: the communications group, known as ICG or Intel Communications Group; and the other section consists of the Intel Architectural business. The architectural section is responsible for the production of â€Å"platform†boards that consists of chipsets and microchips, which are used in desktop processors; including the Intel Pentium 4 processor and the Celeron. On the other hand, the communications section deal mostly with the production and development of wireless technology. They are mostly concerned with flash memory and cellular base-band technology. Intel is also known for large-scale tie-ups with other firms. Example of such is their tie-up with search engine Google for development of wireless technologies. They are also know to be connected with other firms like Microsoft and Dell. However, competition has been seen to catch up on the leadership oh Intel. Recently, a lot of clamors have been heard in the recent decision of present CEO Paul Otellini unveiled his plan to ship the micro-chip corporation to another industry. While the rest had their problems with it, former CEO Andrew Grove is all praises for it. The present CEO’s vision is to generally change the image of Intel starting from what Andrew Grove practically built. Starting from the scrapping of the famous â€Å"e†trademark of the logo, the company motto and even the brand, the company has been envisioned to undergo a transformation. A lot of managers seem to be against the changing of such things that made Intel a household name. Even the logo has been widely known in all parts of the globe. Meanwhile, Andrew Grove has been vocal about his approval of the said changes. In his opinion, they are of the same line of thinking that the present CEO has, that the company really has to undergo these changes in order for the to tell the world that even Intel is adjusting to the fast-paced growth of the industry and that they, as a company, should be at equal footing with the rest of the companies in the same industry. He further stresses that it is a imperative for the company to show that the company exhibits a show of risk-taking and result orientation, accompanied also by the value of discipline. Before, under Grove’s supervision and Craig Barrett (Grove’s successor), the company focused on the production of microprocessors and took the lead in that industry for years. They helped give birth to the Information Age by producing more microchips and therefore, producing faster computers and ending in the development of micro processing. However, what Otellini had in mind is far from the former image of Intel, considering that he even wanted to change the logo and company symbol. He wanted to venture into uncharted regions of digital health industry and that of â€Å"platform†inventions. Despite the negative views about Otellini’s decision, Analysts from outside the company have cited other views about the subject, stating the fact that sometimes, change is needed for a big company to maintain solid advantage. They also added that other companies that survived the changes maintained industry leadership, just like what happened to Texas Instruments. However, the other side notes that it is not really that advisable to change their target industry and find a niche in other markets, although they have leadership in the industry they would leave. Adding firepower to the firepower of the critics, Intel’s competitor, AMD (Advanced Micro Devices) Inc., have scored a major point against Intel as it topped the company in terms of consumption as AMD Inc rose to a higher percentage in 2003 and analysts view that it would continue to rise against Intel unless Intel releases a new competitive line of processors in the future.. In the wireless communications field, Texas Instruments and Qualcomm Inc are still standing their own ground against Intel’s advances. Also, the two companies are planning to release their own versions of the platform that they assured, would gain more shares of the market than the new Intel is trying to build a niche on. On the other hand, many people are applauding Otellini’s vision of the new Intel, stating that they have never seen so much innovation in technology with respect to their fields, especially that of medicine. Also, people have actually seen the growth of the company, showing promise for a whole variety of new plans that are underway. Not only did the plans boost company ties with other companies, but also made their partner companies believe in the new flexibility of Intel. They promoted closer ties with cellular phone conglomerates Nokia and Samsung; had present tie-ups with Google; ties with Sony and Philips; and with those ties, Intel was able to produce and release different types of innovative products. There different developments have different market reactions. Some producing great results, others not. However, analysts are right in pointing out that other companies that are industry leaders also experienced changes that looked like they are headed nowhere, although in the end, they have proven that their change would actually pay off. And now, Intel took their lead and eventually took some changes in themselves as well. The problem would be, if they can maintain the positive effects and eliminate the negative effects of the changes. As for their decision of making the company over, It is. The industry’s reaction to it seemed to treat the decision as a smart move as well. Rival AMD Inc made some deals with ATI, and this showed that Intel produced a bigger threat than before. Also, the result of other marketing strategies in the release of the new products proved that Intel can really hold its own against the rivals in the industries that they have entered. They also showed that they can maintain the leadership in their industry, and even remodeled themselves into a more serious threat than that of before. However, not all decisions solely produce good effects. The negative effects therefore should be dealt with accordingly. Otellini did not make a bad move and he assured that he would produce good results which he did, although in the process nearly humiliating the company as he suffered near losses and continue to be behind Texas Instrument in the other fields. Intel not only made a good decision externally but also made breakthrough decisions internally, taking care of their employees better and giving chances to other fields like medicine to be at the same level as that of the engineers, the firepower of Intel before. May be this was a factor in Otellini’s equation that he devised for company growth. All in all, Intel has made a remarkable shift from the way it was thirty seven years ago. It also departed from the household figure that we recognized. Although this a bold move in there part and a rather risky one considering the old model is one of the main reasons why Intel made it to the top. In Otellini’s, and now Intel’s belief, It is one risky move that was designed to maintain leadership and gain advantages in other fields that they would pursue in the future. The market and business world would have to look out as Intel’s new look is bound to stay, and so is their new outlook in the business battles. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Intel Corp. Company Profile. Yahoo! Finance. Retrieved October 26, 2006. ( Intel Corporation. Computer Business Review Online. Retrieved October 26, 2006. ( How to cite Andrew Grove, Essay examples
Mutual Funds What Are They free essay sample
Before anyone invest in mutual fund, or even index funds, there are many important things you need to know, like past performance of the fund, investment objectives, investment strategies and others. All these essential information is involving a document called mutual fund prospectus. Mutual fund prospectus is required by Securities and Exchange Commissions (SEC) to be made accessible by all potential investors (Kennon, 2017)There are two kind of prospectuses; the statutory prospectus and the summary prospectus. The statutory prospectus is the conventional, long form prospectus that most mutual fund investors are familiar. The summary prospectus, which is now commonly used by many mutual funds, a few pages long and recorded the key information about the mutual fund. The information available in summary prospectus will be included at the beginning of statutory prospectus. The only difference between statutory prospectus and summary prospectus is there are more financial highlight information in the statutory prospectus. We will write a custom essay sample on Mutual Funds: What Are They? or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The key information appears in the following standardized order: 1) investment objectives, 2) fee tables, 3) investments, risk and performance, 4) management, 5) purchase and sale of fund shares, 6) tax information, and 7) financial intermediary compensation.A prospectus can be very informative and helpful if the investor have a clear mind-set of their investment goals (Stinson, 2014). According to Bob Mecca, before investor read any prospectus, investor should know their objectives of investing and their risk-tolerance is. For example, the investors are low risk taker and have small fund. After they read the prospectus and realized it is aggressive mutual fund and large cap portfolio, they should reject the portfolio and go for other mutual fund. Once the investor found the suitable portfolio that matched with their objectives and risk-tolerance, and then only pay attention to the investment policy and others. Other than that, the prospectus provide huge information about how the fund invests, the amount of assets under management, the internal fund expenses, and more. (McGowan, 2016) As summary, this legal document enables investor to analyse about the mutual fund and to choose the right portfolio that match with their objectives, which, in a way to decrease their risk and increase their confidence towards the mutual fund. Therefore, the prospectus is the way of investor getting information about the certain mutual fund.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Cultural Diversity in Local Politics Essay Example For Students
Cultural Diversity in Local Politics Essay Overview This paper explores the limits and potentials of ethnic and racial coalition building in Los Angeles. The demographic changes that have occurred in Los Angeles during the past twenty years have been extraordinary, both in scope and diversity. The area has witnessed a literal boom in population growth, increasing from 7 million in 1970 to 8.8 million in 1990. (US Bureau of the Census) However, it is the dramatic change in ethnic and racial diversity of the population which has caught most observers attention. Los Angeles has taken on a new form in terms of its racial diversity, moving from a biracial to a multiethnic setting. The non-Hispanic White population has declined from its 71 percent share in 1970 to a narrow numerical plurality of 41 percent of the countys population in 1990. Meanwhile, the Latino and Asian Pacific population witnessed a doubling from 15% to 39% and near quadrupling from 3% to 11% of their population shares respectively. Meanwhile, African Americans, while slightly growing numerically, were a constant share of the county population (11%) during this period. (Oliver and Johnson:57-94) Thus, on the eve of the twenty-first century, Los Angeles has one of the most ethnically diverse populations of any metropolitan area in the country. What does this ethnic diversity mean for multiethnic coalition building in the politics of Los Angeles County? Does the changing demography increase the opportunity for ethnic cooperation? Or, has the ethnic changes increased rather than decreased the prospects of interethnic conflict? Introduction After the 1992 riots, a clarion call was issued from all corners for the emerging multiethnic majority to take its rightful place in the politics and leadership of the city. A multiethnic coalition, it ws suggested, could lead the city to a new multicultural future. This call was clearly built on the assumption that three divers groups African Americans, Asian Pacific Islanders and Latinos could come together and pursue a coalition built on their common interests. But what do we do know about the prospects of multiethnic coalitions? There is voluminous literature on urban politics. However, this literature has been shaped principally by the question of racial politics. (Browning, Marshall and Tabb) That is, how have traditional urban politics, read White politics, been affected or impacted by the role of Blacks on the urban scene. Probably the most influential work on Black/White urban political coalitions was Carmichael and Hamiltons Black Power. (Carmichael and Hamilton) In this work, as in most of the literature, the foundation of coalitions were based on common interests. They argued that all political relations are based on common self interest benefits to be gained and losses to be avoided. From this perspective, Carmichael and Hamilton argued, there were no permanent friends or enemies for Blacks in their struggle for freedom and power only temporary alliances when self interests coincide. Thus, they rejected the notion that White liberals, whose ideological orientation was favorable to Black aspirations, should be viewed as reliable and enduring allies. Rather, they were perceived as one among many which could be either potential allies or potential adversaries on the road to power. Carmichael and Hamiltons emphasis on interests and ideology alone, when extended to the multiethnic scene of Los Angeles, portends a rather bleak future for multiethnic coalitions. Alliances forging common interests are not readily evident or clear among the diversity of racial and ethnic groups in Los Angeles. Moreover, class and ethnic divisions between and within ethnic and racial groups have structured competing and cross-cutting interests that, on the face, appear to be overwhelming. Jackie Robinson EssayEthnic groups, for example, have diverse interests based on such factors as citizenship, ethnicity and class. Latinos are divided by the diverse interest of an immigrant noncitizen population and citizen native population. This became evident in the aftermath of the riots when the mostly Mexican Americans, citizen-based East Los Angeles leadership attempted to disassociate themselves from the more Central-American and recent Mexican immigrant-based residents of South Central Los Angeles. (Ramos and Wilkinson) This divisionexpressed a long standing concern that the Latinoization of Los Angeles politics was in fact being ushered in under Mexican hegemony. Likewise, diverse interests are apparent on the basis of national origin. Among Asian Pacific Islanders, long standing historical divisions between Koreans, Japanese, and Chines cause, in some critical cases, group enmity as opposed to unity. And even African Americans have strong class cleavages that, despite the concerted attempts of some middle class Blacks to reach out to the needs and the concerns of their less advantaged brethren, show increasing signs of developing into two separate communities. Thus, in the context of .
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